Interview with Hans van Maanen in ‘Music Emotion’, a Dutch HiFi magazine
‘Music Emotion’, a Dutch HiFi magazine, has published an interview of Ruud Jonker with Hans van Maanen. In the file, you will find a translated version of this interview.
Novel PA 080 power amplifier reviewed by
Renee van Es has listened to the novel PA 080 power amplifier, in combination with our already well-known CA 020 control amplifier. His findings can be read in the pdf-file ReviewPA080English.pdf
His assessment is, in short:
Review of our PA 030 power amplifier in Music Emotion
The May issue of 'Music Emotion' includes a review of our PA 030 power amplifier, its signal produced by our CA 020
control amplifier. Attention is also given to the CA 020.
HVT November 2016: commentary on the X-fi High-End show in Veldhoven (Netherlands)
In the November 2016 issue of Home Video Test, a commentary is published on the X-fi High-End audio show in Veldhoven (Netherlands). A citation:
Hepta and Temporal Coherence
Ordinary Dutch manufacturers, both share a single room and also a number of products. As an example: the Hepta Sublimis Orator loudspeakers were driven by the Temporal Coherence stereo power amplifiers. The result was to be remembered. The nicely designed Sublimis Orator loudspeaker does not only strike by its sound, but also in a visual sense, it is no “eye spoiler”. The room was filled to the last chair, but also during Shostakovitsj Symphony nr. 10 – not the most accessible music- people stayed seated. When the reproductions is good, one can allow less well stepped on musical paths. Compliments for Cris Rutgers and Cardenas suis.
Review in the Dutch HiFi magazine ‘Music Emotion’ of July 2017
In the edition of the Dutch HiFi magazine ‘Music Emotion’ of July 2017, a review of the combination of the control and power amplifiers of ‘Temporal Coherence’ has been published. The findings of the reviewer are laid down in Temporal Coherence Amplifiers.pdf and the pictures of the original review can be found in the Dutch version.
Listening impression Music Emotion
Music Emotion (a Dutch audio magazine) has published a 'listening impression' of the Diamant system in its December (2016) issue. We are very pleased with the findings of the reviewer, but you can read for yourself in ImpressionOfListeningDiamant.pdf. For the pictures we refer to the Dutch version
Home Video Test of July 2014
On the contents page of Home Video Test of July 2014 it said "During the listening session at the triumvirate of Temporal Coherence it became more than clear that the loudspeaker design approaches the ideal". The full paper is available as pdf-download at our papers tap.
Findings Home Video Test
The magazine "Home Video Test" has reviewed the Control Amplifier, Power Amplifier and Headphone Amplifier of "Temporal Coherence". The reviewer was not really happy that he had to turn in the equipment...... His findings are reported in the issue of February 2015 (Dutch version: HVT0215.pdf, English version: